A flash of white in the river

I am keeping an eye on my local Dippers. I listen for their distinctive calls and look for the flash of their white throat and breasts against the dark background of the river.

It did not take me long to find one. It was busy working its patch of river. Bobbing up and down on prominent rocks and then plunging into the water. They are amazing birds to watch. Perfectly adapted for their environment. Waterproof plumage, strong claws that can grip the river bed - even in full flow and eyes that can see under water.

As ever the Dippers I watched today were finding plenty of food. Mainly Caddis fly larvae.

Apart from a little meet up between the pair their was not a great deal of interaction or displaying today. They frequently called out to each other but eventually went their separate ways.

Dipper (Cinclus Cinclus)

About to plunge into the cold water

Calling Dipper


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