Watching the fun on the beach whilst taking a rest


I was sat close to the rocky cliffs overlooking Rest Bay, Porthcawl, last Friday evening. I had spent the best part of the afternoon photographing little waders on Kenfig Sands and had walked almost to Port Talbot. My legs were aching from a 22 km hike across the beach and I was feeling rather dehydrated. 

The skies were clear and in a couple of hours it would be sunset. Whilst eating a tin of Pringles and drinking a can of Dr Pepper ( A strange combo I must add). I watched below me a scene of absolute fun and games. The small beach was full of happy people enjoying themselves having fun. It was probably going to be the last nice day of the summer and the following week would be a return to school and work after the holidays.

Rest Bay

The sea had plenty of surfers and swimmers enjoying the surf. Whilst its was not Hawaii with gigantic waves I thought what a beautiful place to come and chill out and have some fun.

I put my drone up for  a short time up well way from the gathering of people on the beach. After a short test flight to see what would be the best angles to take pictures from I was prevented from flying any further. 

The rocks

Looking towards Sker Point from Rest Bay.

Panoramic taken about an hour before sunset.

First a powered paraglider flew over and floated around Rest Bay and the Sker area and then secondly a police helicopter turned up and remained hovering close and appeared to be searching for someone. The Rest Bay area had turned into a no fly zone. So I packed my drone away and had a think about what to do next.

The sun began to drop from the heavens towards the horizon and the sky was turning a lovely orange colour.

I headed down to the beach . The tide was on its way out and the wet sand acting like a mirror. The scene before me on the beach was fantastic.

Rest Bay Beach

As sunset approached everyone on the beach became silhouettes - even the playful dogs that chased each other excitedly.

I think the dogs were absolutely loving it.

The surfers looked really cool and I tried to capture them in their element with the setting sun.

When I was walking along the beach I thought that the vista before me could rival any of these exotic faraway places in that moment. Wales is a beautiful country and we have much to be thankful for.


Then the sun was gone. The sounds of laughter and joy began to get quieter and the light was beginning to dim. 

But there was a super afterglow which I feel summed up the joyful happy atmosphere. My last picture was of one of the surfers heading away from the beach with the fading sunlight turning sky and beach a lovely orange.

It had been a really great sunset.


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