A refreshing blue sky morning at Goldcliffe

The sky was clear and blue this morning. With a cuttingly cold wind in my face I set off early for walk around Goldcliffe Lagoons to the sea wall hide. The tide was out today so a lot of the waders were spots in the distance at the waters edge that not even a big lens could help me get a decent picture of them.

Nevertheless, there was plenty to see around the edges of the lagoon and in the air.

A flock of ducks caught my eye flying overhead and I was pleased to see some Pintail Ducks mixed in with Shovelers. A nice sight, both species are pretty looking ducks.

As I walked to the sea wall I was escorted along by a flock of Meadow Pipits that maintained a safe distance and a wary eye just ahead of me. The usual Stonechat was sat on a post on the look out.

At the hide I was treated to a Curlew calling and flying in a circle , in clear view of my lens for change.

I spent a few hours observing the comings and goings of the usual Wigeon Ducks, Lapwings and Shelducks before heading back.

The hedgerows were full of the chatter of Redwings and Fieldfare who seem to be concentrating on the Ivy berries now as the Hawthorns have been stripped clean.

Walking up the lane out of the reserve I came across a beautiful lapwing, that had an injured wing. It never let me close but it did not appear to able to take off and just kept a safe distance from me. It may be injured after an encounter with one of the local raptors.


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